Article Marketing

4 Persuasive Writing QuickTips to Boost Conversion

Whether you are writing content for your own website, social media posts or email marketing campaigns, the goal is always to engage your reader and encourage to a certain action. You probably want to sell more of a (affiliate) product or specific service and in order to do so, it is very essential to convince the audience that they miss a huge opportunity if they don’t chose for your products or service. A very common method that utilizes compelling calls to a certain action, though it is an important element that is often overlooked and should be incorporated always: persuasive writing. Use the following quicktips to create more compelling content and to boost your conversion.

Address Potential Objections

Engage the audience with transparency by directly addressing a few obvious objections. Create curiosity to strengthen the call to action. By giving answers to common objections openly, you will really connect with your readers in a casual way. It is imperative to leave them wanting more and more !

Be To The Point

Keep the things you are writing about clear by directly addressing the topic at hand. Do not leave your visitors guessing. Communicate a brief message using short sentences. A direct tone always conveys the importance and transparency for readers that aid into inspiring action.

Empathize and Offer Solutions

Take in the audience by fully empathizing with them about the situation that has garnered a need for your products or services. Offer quick solutions to the problem in simple and easy-to-understand terms. Use clear language only to lead the audience to the best solutions: choosing your business!

Clear Out The Clutter

Remove any words that don’t add any value. Adjectives, adverbs and prepositional phrases are often redundant and dull for the message you are delivering. Sharpen every single sentence to ensure that your message is clear and concise..

About the author


Pascal is extremely successful as an affiliate marketer. since 2007 he developed numerous skills as an SEO expert and is direct coach to several online marketers. Pascal lives the typical story of a boy who went from "Rags to Riches". His earnings boosted from 2010 and he earned over $35 Million USD with affiliate marketing. Not bad!

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