Golf is still growing rapidly in popularity and the number of expensive training programs and golf equipment is still expanding every month. There are only a handful high end golf affiliate programs that we want share with you today. This is your golden opportunity to get money out of the pocket of rich guy’s like Al Czervik.
Pure Point Golf
The Pure Point Golf system is innovative. It is not the typical way you might think of getting golf instructions. They are definitely not your average pro at your neighborhood range or golfing course. No, Pure Point Golf is a lot more than just that. They have developed an innovative system of excellent golf instruction that immediately will change your game.
Their system already worked for 55,000+ golfers all over the world.
Affiliate Commission:
- 50% for every first tier referral sale
- 10% for every second tier referral sale
- Automatic residual income for all new products
Pro Tee Indoor Golf Simulators
The ProTee Golf Simulator 2.0 is by far the most advanced and affordable 3D golf simulator system of this year. This golf simulator has been designed in a unique way to experience the ultimate 3D golf simulation for professional and commercial usage.
With your own golf clubs, you set up to hit the shot just as you do on a real golfing course. The ProTee Golf Simulator 2.0 allows you to drive off the tee, hit fairway shots, pitch, chip and putt the ball into the hole. Experience your draws and slices just as you are actually on the golf course.
Affiliate Commission: 10% on all qualifying revenue. A golf simulator can cost up to $35,000.00
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