Traffic Generation

22 Good Pay Per Click (PPC) Traffic Generation Tips

Pay per click or PPC marketing is a way for both the advertiser and the website owner to benefit. To truly get the most out of PPC marketing, it’s a good idea to become both the advertiser and the advertisee. What we mean is, create ad copy using PPC, but also offer PPC on your website so other relevant ads can pop up on your site. This will bring in an additional income, especially if your website is generating a lot of traffic (which, after reading and applying these 110 tips, it most certainly will!)

PPC advertisements work with pay per click meaning, as the advertiser, you only pay if someone clicks on your ad. Essentially, you are only paying for prospects and not for every single surfer who stumbles upon your ad. This is a revolutionary way to advertise as you are literally only paying for those who actually stop by your online store.

PPC marketing works with keywords and keywords phrases. By following these tips below, you can discover how to generate traffic to both your site and your PPC ads and thus multiple your traffic and your return on investments (ROI).

  1. Know the search engines- when PPC marketing, you need to deliver your PPC ads to the right places. The top five search engine sites are Google, Yahoo, Ask, MSN Search and AOL. Make sure you target all five of these. Many people use just Google, which is great as Google does control more than 50% of all searched material; however, what about the other 50%?
  2. Understand keyword bidding- keyword bids will constantly change. You can either continue to check it out every day, or invest in bid- management software, which can watch the different bids so you remain on top.
  3. Find the middle ground in bidding- when you are bidding for keywords, you need to find that happy medium between high and low. If you bid too high, then you are simply wasting a lot of money; however, if you bid too low then you ad may not appear until the third or more page (and who flips through more than three pages of search results anyway?). So, aim for the 5th to the 15th position. This will keep more money in your budget and ensure that you remain in a good viewing spot.
  4. Stay away from Bid wars- bid wars are bound to happen between you and your competitor. However, it’s best to simply step down. Bid wars do not benefit anyone except for the publisher. However, if you happen to be the publisher of your website, then bring on the bid wars!
  5. Become a PPC pro- PPC marketing is not something that you will wake up and automatically understand. Consider getting some help with PPC marketing. Read books, attend seminars and spend some time with a PPC consultant to see what can be done in your particular situation.
  6. Research the competition- there’s nothing wrong with a little competitive analysis. See what your competitors are doing with their advertisements- what keywords are they using? What affiliates are they working with? Have a look around, then adapt and change to suit your PPC strategy. This is one of the greatest benefits to competition.
  7. Choose you affiliates wisely- PPC marketing is not all directed at search engines. You also want to partner up with some of the best affiliate programs elsewhere to ensure that your ads are being placed in the right places, and that the right people are advertising on your site.
  8. Don’t bombard your advertisement with all your products or services- advertisements should be targeted towards one fast- selling item. The advertisement on this one item will draw the prospect to the website, where you will advertise all your products or services offered. If you simply list all your products in an advertisement, you will bore the reader away.
  9. Create a landing page for each of your AdWords – Instead of always linking to your home page, link to various different web pages. Link to various product pages for the different AdWords you choose. For example, if you have a massage service company, then link your “massage therapy” to the home page but link “foot massage,” “pregnancy massage” and “Swedish massage” to the various product pages.
  10. Understand keyword buckets for Ad Group- what we mean here is that you should always separate your keywords into different Ad Groups. By doing this you can test and track the different Ad Groups and see which keyword phrase is performing the best.
  11. Go for Gold with Keyword Content- make sure you advertisement is rich in keywords. Simple as that.
  12. Don’t overlook quality score- quality score will rate all your keywords. If you have a keyword with ‘poor’ quality score, then it’s a good idea to delete it as this one keyword can bring down your entire quality score.
  13. Use DKI- this is a great little trick of the traffic generation trade- DKI, or dynamic keyword insertion. Dynamic keyword insertion will insert certain words into your copy as the prospect types it in. This means that your ad copy will appear with the exact same keyword phrase they he just typed- your advertisement thus looks like it was catered just for that person. How can they not click on it then?
  14. Sprinkle Keywords- many people choose just one keyword per advertisement. It’s a better idea to sprinkle your ad with a few different keywords. Two to three keywords per advertisement is more effective in reaching a wider audience and also ensures that your advertisement copy flows a little better. No one wants to be bombarded with the same keyword every second word.
  15. Use all types of keywording- learn the different types of keywording include exact match, phrase match and negative keywording. Look through Google Adwords to understand the difference between each one and determine how and where these keyword matches will help you.
  16. Create a negative keywording list- negative keywording is incredibly important in advertising to ensure that the right ads pop up with the right person. By using negative keywording you are saying what you are “not” selling and thus targeting the right niche.
  17. Talk to customers- see what your customers are looking for in advertisements. Ask friends, ask family members- it never hurts to ask, and sometimes they might come up with an incredible idea.
  18. Geo-target- for those who have a specific area where your niche market is located, for example, in Vancouver, then you can geo- target your advertisements to people connected from there.
  19. Track your advertisements- it’s important to know who and where your customers are coming from, even in the virtual world. Furthermore, tracking your ROI and your clients can help you tweak your campaign marketing strategy to gain even more prospects
  20. Never stop tweaking- PPC marketing is something that never ends, or, at least, it never should. You need to constantly test, tweak and change in order to compete with the millions upon billions of advertisements being put out each day.
  21. Perform A/B testing- PPC marketing is all about testing and tweaking to ensure you are getting the most from your advertisements. A/B testing is one of the best ways to do this. Create at least 2 Adcopies per Ad group and let them fight for the most traffic generation. It’s a battle of the Adcopy.
  22. Make sure your landing page is correct- this may seem simple but you need to ensure that your advertisement actually goes to the right website landing page. If you are advertising a certain product, perhaps link that that product’s web page rather than your home page. People are a lot happier when they are directed to exactly what they are looking for. If they like what they see, then they will most likely continue to browse your website and check out the other pages.


About the author


Pascal is extremely successful as an affiliate marketer. since 2007 he developed numerous skills as an SEO expert and is direct coach to several online marketers. Pascal lives the typical story of a boy who went from "Rags to Riches". His earnings boosted from 2010 and he earned over $35 Million USD with affiliate marketing. Not bad!

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